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Payroll Coordinator UROP System Help

The UROP application and approval process is handled online and requires MIT Touchstone and DUO authentication in order to access the site. Students must initiate their online applications no later than 5 PM on the posted UROP deadline for the given term/mode of participation. NOTE: the system is NOT available between the hours of 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. EDT due to regularly scheduled server maintenance. Details to help you navigate the online system and UROP application review process are provided below. 

Your UROP homepage is available at:​

From this URL you have options to:

  • View recent approved or cancelled paid UROP projects
  • Search paid UROP records for your department, and
  • Run various reports on paid UROP participation

Reviewing Recently Approved/Cancelled paid UROP projects

Students receive emails alerting them of the need to see you for payroll processing. You will also be able to view the required payroll information for your students from your UROP homepage.

  • If any of your department’s paid UROPs have been approved and/or cancelled in the last week. To access these proposals, click the Recently Approved/Cancelled paid UROP projects link, which will provide you with a list of students recently approved/cancelled. You will see a message that notes the number of proposals with changed statuses under this header as well.
  • Click on the student’s name to view their project detail, which lists their term pay information, including stipend amount, hourly rate, and account number(s) that will be fed to the SAP payroll system for you to process activations. You will activate approved students on the MIT payroll see Atlas for Student Appointments and to enter/approve student time.

Understanding UROP Status Codes

Below you will find a list of the common status codes used in the UROP system, along with their equivalent meaning.

  • Faculty Review: Student has submitted an online proposal for the faculty member to review, but the faculty member still needs to approve & submit it to the department for coordinator review. 
  • Department Review: Student has submitted an online proposal, and the faculty member has approved it, but the department coordinator still needs to approve & submit it to UROP staff for final review/approval.
  • Admin Review : Application is now being reviewed by UROP staff. There are a number of sub-statuses that may appear for application that are under UROP admin review; examples include:
    • Review: approval missing: Student re-submitted an application that was previously returned for corrects or submitted a late application that is missing a required faculty and/or department approvals.
    • Review: info missing: Application is missing required information (e.g. proposal detail, payroll/credit information, etc. – thus the application cannot be approved until this information is supplied).
    • Review: travel forms missing: Student indicated travel within the US or abroad for this UROP project and the required travel registry forms must be completed.
    • Review: evaluation missing: Student has yet to submit a required end of term UROP evaluation from a prior UROP.
    • Review: holding: In the case of UROP direct funding applications – this status indicates that UROP staff have reviewed the application, but since funding decisions are not made until after the funding deadline for the term, the application is be held pending decision release. In cases of other UROP types – holding would be used to indicate that there is an issue with the application (other than those listed above) that needs to be addressed before an approval can be issued.

      NOTE: UROP staff email students with details about what they must clarify for full application consideration/approval.
  • Approved: The student’s application has been formally approved by UROP staff for the given term. 
  • Returned/Rejected: Reasons for returning projects can vary, thus a number of sub-statuses will appear to explain the return in more detail. 
    • Returned by Faculty: Student’s application was returned by the faculty supervisor requesting a clarification or revision.
    • Returned by Department: Student’s application was returned by the departmental UROP coordinator requesting a clarification or revision.
    • Returned: No Funds Available: Student’s request for UROP Direct Funding was not approved.
    • Returned: info missing: Student never responded to requests to clarify missing information required for approval.
    • Returned: evaluation missing: Student never responded to requests to submit a required end of term UROP evaluation.
    • Rejected: inappropriate: Student’s application was rejected because the proposed research was deemed inappropriate for a UROP and/or the student applied for a UROP type for which they are not eligible.

      NOTE: Messaging appears in the system to clarify the reasons for any return and this is included in an email to the student.
  • Cancelled: Student submitted a UROP application for the term, but cancelled for some reason (e.g. lack of time to complete the UROP, decided to switch to another UROP type, etc.). If a project is cancelled a sub-status will appear in parentheses to indicate the status of the application prior to cancellation.
    • Cancelled (Approved): Application was cancelled after UROP staff had already approved it.
    • Cancelled (Admin Review): Application was cancelled while still under review by UROP staff.
    • Cancelled (Dept Review): Application was cancelled while still under review by the departmental UROP coordinator.
    • Cancelled (Faculty Review): Application was cancelled while still under review by the faculty supervisor.
    • Cancelled (Draft): Application was cancelled by the student before submission for faculty and department review.
  • Expired: The student had created an application that never reached a final status (e.g. approved or cancelled).

NOTE: When applications are returned to the student, they are no longer editable, so a new application must be created to correct the funding type or correct other errors/omissions. Students will not be able to initiate a new application after the UROP deadline for the given term has passed. But, UROP staff can assist with changes to applications in lieu of returns, so please feel free to email us at to ask for our help with the update.